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The Benefits of Durban

The Benefits of Durban

Name: In Bengal and Culture - Durbar; In Hindi-distance.

 Identity: We walk on foot, on foot. Durbak is also called Durburgas in the current words. There is no need to give a special introduction to Durban.

 There are four types of Durban: namely- (a) General Durban that is seen almost everywhere.

 (B) Blue Durban. (C) white durban and (d) pand durban.

 Uses: Durbar grass and roots are used in medicine. In this context, it is important to note that all types of drugs are used in medicine. Durbar juice comes out without water.

 General Durban Quality: Synthetic, sweet and satisfying.

 Typical application of common malignancies: It is anorexia, numbness, bile, inflammation, cough, bleeding and bleeding.

 Dimensions: (a) Bring the basal-three. (B) Juice-three. (C) Quantity-amounted to seven.

 Blue Durbar Quality: It is juicy and chilled with bitter honey.

 Typical application of Nile Durbar: It is cough, bile, inflammation, psoriasis, craving, bleeding and bleeding.

 Dimensions: Amount of five brought.

 White Durbar Quality: Bitter sweet, juicy, acne destructive and aromatic in this malignant cell.

 Typical application of white durbar: A strong bile, inflammation, phlegm, thirst, irritation and bleeding.

 Dimensions: Amount of three brought.

 Gond Durbar Quality: These durbar ironclads, hardwoods, winter solvents, containers and air enhancers.

 Typical application of ganglion: Common, blue and white Durmic applied.

 Dimensions: Quantity of four weights.

 The cure for all diseases

 1. Dermatitis: Mix six grams of lukewarm juice with pure sesame oil and heat it in hot flame in hot flame.

 2. When a place is cut off: Durbar has a special need to stop the bleeding. If you tie the cut area with crushed or rubbed grass without water, then the bleeding stops immediately and if the skin is closed in pairs, then the bleeding will stop immediately and the skin will be cut off. Stopping bloodletting is a special quality of Darbha.

 3. If the feeling of vomiting is increased: Mix a fresh amount of juice, freshly mixed cucumber with sugar and consume it with a little water.

 4. Gastrointestinal disease: If the blood is vaporized, consuming fresh milk with a small amount of honey will prevent blood loss. Gastrointestinal disorders are relieved if you consume regular juice for a month.

 5. If there is unnecessary blood flowing through the vagina or if it is bleeding: Mixing honey with two drops of durbar juice three times each morning, then immediately bleeding and blood clots are removed.

 6. If there is a woman's season or seasonal visit at a suitable age: Prepare the cake by mixing two grains of purple powder, two grains of tuna (atap chaul) powder each, that is, seven cakes in seven days. .

 7. Urine Disease: The root weight of the root should be sealed in a pot of soil with two kilograms of water. After consuming that salted water with honey, it will prevent all urine.

 8. If the blood falls through the nose: If the scalp is crushed in a narrow puddle, or if it is absorbed by the pulp crust, the blood stops flowing through the nose.

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