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Metallurgical diseases and their cure

Metallurgical diseases and their cure

 1. The amount of raspberries will be washed at night and soaked in the morning and will wake up in the morning, so that you can cheat your hands and chew on your empty stomach. Thus, if consumed for at least one month at a time, the odds of metal will improve.

 2. If you wake up in the morning and wake up in the morning, drink half a cup of cold water on an empty stomach and shower regularly in the morning.

 3. Krishna sesame and tamarind equal to crushed must be taken with cloth. Every night at bedtime you should drink a glass of cold water with a crushed mouth. Thus, you should drink regularly for 20 days. If you take regular medication like this, the thin metal will soon thicken and the metal will be better.

 4. The root of the mixed tree is to be crushed dry and take a cloth. Every night at bedtime, it should be consumed with the amount of powdered semi-pooja of Shimul root mixed with goat's milk. Thus, if consumed for 21 days, the disease is cured by metal deformity.

 5. Every night at least half the amount of moisture should be soaked in the husks. The next morning, after mixing goat's milk and sugar with an empty quantity of goat's milk in the stomach for two to three weeks, the disease will be relieved.

 This medicine is very useful for those who get thin and quick out, mix half the amount of Ishbagul bhusi with powdered milk. Have to enjoy Then very thin semen will darken.

 The way to recover lost youth

 First, take a chicken egg rinse. The amount of saffron you take is exactly the amount of pure honey and pure ghee. Then mix it with a small onion juice and mix it well with a little fire step and make it like halwa. All these halwa will be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. After making forty days in the same rule, you will have to eat on an empty stomach in the morning and you will regularly play forty days.

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