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Tension is the way to grow stronger

Tension is the way to grow stronger

 1. Outgoing tuber powder - 3 grams, rosemary juice - 12 grams, 3 tablespoons of beef and 20 grams of hot milk. This time, you should mix it together and enjoy it every morning. Consuming 25 days in a manner cures impotence and increases sperm count and removes spermatozoa.

 2. The origin of Krishnatila: 1 gram and 3 grams of cow powder should be taken. Now mix one pod with goat's milk and mix it well with net and eat it every morning. If you have to eat this way for 25 days, then you will see that your impotence is gone and the strength of the body has returned.

 3. Tongan seeds should take 20 grams of Kunjib seeds and 12 grams of cow seed. This time it will be well crushed and taken in the cloth. This night before bed, you will be able to increase masculine strength by consuming 5 grams of powdered cold water with one poo amount of hot milk, like candy regularly for a month.

 4. Dry amalgam should be crushed to 3 grams well and leave in a clean cloth and squeeze out some sour cream. This time the powder with candy powder and the honey consumed like honey every morning, the impotence is destroyed.

What if impotence and sperm fluidity caused more dreams?

 Salaam candy 20 grams. White Musari 5 grams. Sakakul candy 20 grams. Black mosquitoes 5 grams. Singharad eighth gram and chiridal powder 4 grams. They are to be crushed and taken in a clean cloth and then boiled in 1 kg cow milk, mixed with 4 powdered flour and then darkened, then mixed with 1 gram of sugar and 3 grams of sugar.

 This morning, you should consume 5 grams in the morning and at night. This type of impotence is eliminated quickly after drinking less than 20 grams of lightly hot candy mixed with food.

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